Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
When it comes to Global Missions, it is not practical to equip each one of our church members to go out to the ends of the earth. This is why God has provided a unique role within His Church for which He continues to raise up individuals and families. In Biblical terms it is an apostolic role, in historical terms it is a missionary role, and for Bethany it is the role of Global Missions Worker.
We also recognize that the call to the ends of the earth is central to Global Missions. We focus our resources on parts of the world which are considered unreached in regards to this call. We strive to raise up from within and partner with our national denomination to bring the transforming power of the Gospel to these regions of the world.
Our Global Missions Workers are a vibrant and diverse group of men and women, individuals and families, who have answered God’s call to make disciples of all nations. They bring this transformation through an equally diverse list of roles and work around the world.
We also recognize that the call to the ends of the earth is central to Global Missions. We focus our resources on parts of the world which are considered unreached in regards to this call. We strive to raise up from within and partner with our national denomination to bring the transforming power of the Gospel to these regions of the world.
Our Global Missions Workers are a vibrant and diverse group of men and women, individuals and families, who have answered God’s call to make disciples of all nations. They bring this transformation through an equally diverse list of roles and work around the world.
Active Missionaries

Dan & Anne-Marie Chapple
World Partners
Dan and Anne-Marie train and equip pastors and leaders in Mexico. The nature of their ministry has expanded beyond Mexico to include partner denominations across Latin America, and the equipping, mentoring, and care of missionaries through a training program called MissionPREP.

Najib & Torpekai Azarm
Operation Mobilization
For many years, Najib and Torpekai have been involved in radio programs reaching Central Asia all over the world. They attend conferences in strategic countries, meeting with listeners and discipling them in their journey with Jesus.

Ahmad Ghaljee
JESUS Network
Ahmad is a follower of Jesus who led a network of underground churches in Afghanistan. Now, as a 'disciple-making leader' of the EMCC, he is pioneering a church and outreach among the thousands of Afghan people in the Waterloo Region.

Ken & Carolyn Benson
Ken and Carolyn Benson have been mission workers with World Partners since 1998, and are presently serving many groups in the "Mission-sending and care" community, through MissionPREP.

Support our missionaries, and our missional projects across the globe.
Our work cannot happen without financial resources. Our outreach efforts in our region and our missions work in the world are supported through Bethany’s “General Fund”. We also accept any special or designated "Missions Fund" donations.
Another way that we participate in these Jesus-centred disciple-making movements is through our 'Women's Missionary Fellowship' (WMF) as an integral part of communicating with, praying for and contributing resources to our missionaries. As a congregation, Bethany designates 10% of its annual budget to the support of these disciple-making missions work, to which the Women's Missionary Fellowship contributes a significant amount.
Make financial support a part of your mission's involvement by donating to Bethany's General fund linked below.